Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, Rylee Bear....

Oh how she loves gettin dirty in the garage.......not a huge fan of getting cleaned up though!

Our little Iron Man...

From Halloween.......... to Christmas.....and today!
I'd say we got our $$$ out of this costume.


We recently took a trip to San Diego.....Rylee loved the beach, Braden on the other hand.....not so much at first. He finally warmed up to the idea and had a good time. Once Ry spotted the seagulls it was all over, she was running up and down the beach.

Look at them now!

It's definitely been a while since I've had a chance to update this blog. I actually forgot about it until I was recently reminded (about 4 times in one day thank you very much) ;-)
So, here we go again...........
I love this one of Braden and was this summer and they were crusin on the longboard.